Allocated News

  • What Is Whiskey & Where Does It Come From?

    Whiskey History 101! Whiskey is nothing new. The spirit has been popular since the 11th century, being used for both medicinal purposes as well as libation. With a wide variety of blends, flavors, and laws regarding production, the spirit has been a classic fan favorite and the dink of choice to many! 

  • Coronavirus Has Craft Spirits in High Demand

    You know what they say about good booze.
    When times are good, people drink to celebrate.
    When times are bad, people drink to forget.
    When times are like 2020... everybody and their mama wanna stiff drink of top shelf spirits, but many folks are finding the finest bottles hard to come by... until now
  • A College Degree in Whiskey is Just a Click Away

    It seems that there is an online college course for just about everything these days but even I was surprised to learn that such options even exist for a avid whiskey fan like myself who may want to explore a career working with my beverage of choice.
  • Our Favorite Whiskeys of 2020

    What have you been sipping on in 2020? What do you WANT TO BE sipping on in 2020? Chances are you'll find it in stock and ready to ship directly to you right here at Allocated Liquor. This list of our favorite whiskeys of 2020 doesn't even scratch the surface of all of the top shelf bottles of whiskey and bourbon that we have available right now here at Allocated!

  • Top 5 COVID-19 Cocktails You Can Make at Home

    Are you sick & tired of dealing with the Coronavirus? Are you doing okay with this new normal? At this stage of quarantine, I just keep thinking, this too shall pass while trying not to dwell on what my nickname will be when this shit goes all Mad Max...